Many people don’t visit a health care provider thinking that the problem will go away on its own (it might not) or that it isn’t serious enough to warrant a visit (it most likely is). A skin condition can be a significant health issue and can negatively affect many aspects of a person’s life.


Just know, there is no reason to suffer or to be embarrassed. We treat a wide range of skin conditions, from cosmetic issues, such as acne, eczema & rosacea, to anti-aging therapies for mature skin.


This multifactorial condition that includes increased oil production, clogged pores, inflammation and bacteria. There are different types of acne: comedonal (whiteheads & blackheads) and inflammatory (pimples & deeper cystic acne). The cause of acne can be anything from hormonal changes, genetics, certain foods, and stress, as well as the unintentional inflammation generated by the use of irritating products.

Treating acne alone with over-the-counter products is usually met with frustration, and could be futile if the condition is serious. There are many treatment options available for acne conditions and our goal is to put together an individualized plan that fits our patient’s lifestyle.

Acne Scars

Since acne traumatizes the skin, it’s likely that a severe case will leave patients with scarring due to abnormal collagen formation. Those indentations are called patulous, or atropic scars, and can look like ice pick scars on the skin. Some scars are raised and leave red, keloid scars of abnormal tissue, as well as brown spots or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which is common in darker skin.

We treat scarring with lasers and chemical peels, as well as prescribed home care products.


Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. It is characterized by areas of skin redness that are brought on by sun sensitivity or other factors that cause the blood vessels near the skin to dilate, as if the face is blushing. It may also produce red bumps that can resemble acne.


Eczema is a common condition that causes the skin to become itchy, inflamed, sometimes blistering or weeping. There are several types of eczema that can range from mild to severe. When an irritant from inside or outside of the body triggers the immune system, it produces inflammation that is seen as a rash.